NIPCO's 5 to Stay Alive Fire Safety Campaign
First responders are the first in line and their safety is on the line. In November of 2021, Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative launched the "NIPCO's 5 to Stay Alive" electrical fire safety campaign geared toward emergency first responders, especially those in western Iowa. The safety campaign was created to educate western Iowa police, fire, and emergency management services (EMS) personnel on NIPCO's five safety protocols to follow when responding to incidents on or near NIPCO power lines.
To protect the public, members of police, fire, and EMS departments should not jeopardize their own safety, which can happen quickly when electric substations and transmission lines are involved.
This page provides EMS departments with a means to access additional support materials including additional magnets, posters, wallet cards, and social media assets. These materials are available, free of charge. Please complete the order form below and submit. A follow-up confirmation will be sent within 48-hours of receipt. If you do not receive a response, please email Angela Catton or call 712-546-4141.