Today, NIPCO employs approximately 43 people who are committed to providing safe, affordable, and environmentally responsible power to western Iowa.
Since NIPCO's incorporation over 75 years ago, we remain committed to our members. We are created as a cooperative and we remain grounded and governed by the 7 Cooperative Principles today. But we're not just a cooperative... We are a cooperative family. We are committed to the western Iowa communities we serve and to keeping our future bright.
A New Generation of Generation
NIPCO currently owns, operates and maintains an extensive electric transmission system consisting of over 950 miles of 69kV (69,000 volts) line, 2 source substations, 85 distribution substations, and 23 switch stations throughout a 6,500 square mile service territory in western Iowa.
Reliability was a major concern in the original design of the NIPCO system. An effective maintenance program and the addition of remotely operated switching equipment allows NIPCO to consistently maintain a 99.991 percent reliability record.

Southwest Power Pool
NIPCO is also a Transmission Owner (TO) in Southwest Power Pool (SPP), a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO). What this means is that NIPCO and its member cooperatives are ensured a reliable supply of power, adequate transmission infrastructure, and access to a competitive wholesale electricity marketplace. Joining an RTO means NIPCO and other members of the system will have the benefit of generation and transmission assets that are integrated into the entire 14-state system, as well as gaining access to the power supply market when system members require more power or have surplus power to sell. The RTO ensures stabilization of rates that are shared among all system members. By becoming a TO in SPP, NIPCO will receive an annual transmission revenue requirement, or ATRR. This ATRR provides the benefit of an additional revenue stream for NIPCO and its members.

NIPCO Today:
Not Just Poles & Wires
In addition to providing reliable wholesale energy and electric transmission services to our members, NIPCO offers telecommunications transmission services through a complex system that includes fiber optics in conjunction with NIPCO's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. This system provides NIPCO member cooperatives an efficient, dependable supply of electricity.
NIPCO utilizes the vast fiber optic rings throughout our 10-county service territory to link our electric system operations to our Control Center, allowing Control Center Operators to remotely control and communicate with substations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
NIPCO's Most Powerful Asset
In the beginning, NIPCO needed 3 employees to serve its membership.
Today, it takes 43 full-time employees to serve over 32,000 member-owners belonging to our 7 member cooperatives in 10 western Iowa counties. NIPCO's most powerful asset is our employees.
With a "Members First" attitude, NIPCO is structured and staffed with employees and outside resources that consistently demonstrate the qualifications and values required to meet our mission and vision.
NIPCO serves our membership by working together to deliver innovation, accountability, integrity, and a commitment to the communities we serve.