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Smart Choices

Just Give 'Em Some Room!

Photo of a line worker kneeling on a road, holding broken electric infrastructure.
Their jobs are dangerous enough. When restoring power to the community, just give ‘em some room. Move over and slow down!

In 2018, Iowa expanded its move over or slow down law requiring motorists to move over or slow down when approaching ANY stationary vehicle with flashing lights activated, including passenger vehicles with hazard lights. Those who disobey the law could receive hefty fines or potentially lose their driver’s license.

The law (Iowa Code section 321.323A) is particularly important to our co-op because it helps keep our line workers and maintenance workers safe as they often need to perform complex and dangerous work with electric equipment on the shoulder of the road. And even though our employees set out caution signs and orange cones, wear high visibility gear and turn on their vehicles’ emergency lights, other motorists often fail to give them the room they need to do their job safely. Their jobs are dangerous enough…just give ‘em some room!

It’s not just a courtesy; It’s the law to move over or slow down to keep everyone safe.

According to Iowa Code section 321.323A, Iowa law requires motorists to:

Change lanes or slow down, absent any other direction from a peace officer, when approaching the following vehicles:

  • A stationary emergency vehicle that has its flashing lights activated.

  • A stationary tow, recovery, maintenance, construction, solid waste or recycling collection vehicle that has its flashing lights activated.

  • Any stationary motor vehicle, including a passenger vehicle, that is continually displaying its emergency signal lamps (i.e., standard hazard lights).

Yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights or giving an audible signal. Always move to the right, stop, and wait until the vehicle has passed before proceeding.

Source: Iowa Department of Transportation ( )


When you’re behind the wheel, keep your eyes on the road and make room for utility workers and others who are stopped on the shoulder. Just give ‘em some room! 

For more information, visit the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives’ “Move Over Iowa” website at


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