Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative's 2023 Annual Meeting focused on how the generation and transmission cooperative is "Wired to Serve." Now, more than ever, taking actionable steps to keep the power flowing through western Iowa while maintaining stable rates is how we are wired.
Video reports from Board President Louis Reed and Treasurer Tom Wagner were presented along with NIPCO employee testimonial videos describing how their positions allow them to connect with and serve our members.

Basin Electric Power Cooperative's Andy Buntrock, Vice President of Strategic Planning and Communications, and Tyler Hamman, Vice President of Governmental Relations, provided updates on operations at NIPCO's primary power provider and insights into federal legislation impacting the electric transmission and generation industry. Southwest Power Pool's Director of Operations CJ Brown provided insight into SPP's operations, the importance of an all-of-the-above generation strategy, and the value of working together to ensure reliability and resource adequacy across the bulk electric grid. NIPCO Executive Vice President and General Manager Matt Washburn closed the business meeting by tying together the valuable information presented by the meeting speakers to demonstrate how their efforts impact NIPCO's ability to serve the member systems in western Iowa.
Tom Wagner, who serves as the director representative for North West REC, and Bryan Greve, who serves as the director representative for Nishnabotna Valley REC, were both re-elected to serve another three-year term representing their cooperatives on the NIPCO Board of Directors.
Harrison County REC Director representative Jim Sharp was recognized for his contributions to the NIPCO organization through his participation on the Board since 2015. Director Sharp resigned from his position on the Board in March.
During the Reorganizational Meeting of the NIPCO Board of Directors, Director Louis Reed (WIPCO) was re-elected President of the NIPCO Board of Directors, and Director Ron Steinhoff (Woodbury County REC) as Vice President. Director Tom Wagner (North West REC) will continue as Treasurer, and Director Trent Will (Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative) will continue to serve as Secretary to the NIPCO Board of Directors.
A copy of the 2023 Annual Report, photos, and videos can be found by visiting our Annual Meeting page on our website.
