NIPCO employees celebrate the approaching high school and college graduations of their children.
Pictured above, from left to right:
Gavin Koonz, son of NIPCO SCADA Technician Jeff Koonz and his wife, Kim, will graduate from West High School in Sioux City. Gavin is undecided about his future plans.
Carson Ott, son of NIPCO Sr. Meter Technician Justin Ott and his wife Alicia, will graduate from Le Mars Community High School in May. Carson will attend Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) in the fall as a student in their Criminology program.
Evan Tyler, son of NIPCO Control Operator Adam Tyler and his wife, Billie Jo, will graduate from MOC-FV High School and plans to work full-time at Neal Chase Lumber in Alton, where he has worked throughout high school.
Congratulations to these young men on their achievements. NIPCO is excited about the fantastic things these graduates will accomplish in the coming years.