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NIPCO Hits the Road with EV Demos at Member Events

NIPCO's Angela Catton talks with members at North West REC's Member Appreciation event in Sioux Center.

The NIPCO electric vehicle (EV) logged several miles this summer as it showcased EV technology at various member events. NIPCO staff accompanied the EV and was there to answer questions about electric vehicle operation.

The 2020 Mustang was introduced to the NIPCO fleet in the spring of 2021 to educate and engage western Iowa cooperative member-consumers about EV technology. "While there are mixed feelings about EV adoption in western Iowa, people are curious," explained Angela Catton, Manager of Member Relations and Development for NIPCO. "I think that people know the technology is coming, but they want to grasp the benefits and limitations of EV ownership as well as how electric vehicles will impact power supply."

NIPCO's Mustang Mach-E is parked alongside other models of electric and hybrid vehicles at the WIPCO District Meeting in Onawa, Iowa, in August of 2022.

NIPCO and its members feel it is essential to continue to educate and engage with members about the diversity of electric and hybrid vehicles available in the market and to continue the conversation about which type of low- or zero-emission vehicle may be right for them.

Marcus Rihner, WIPCO Executive VP and General Manager, felt it was valuable to include NIPCO's Mustang Mach-E at their August District and Annual Meetings. "Our members have questions about electric vehicles and how they will fit into the transportation and energy picture around our region," says Rihner. "Our EV car show at our District and Annual Meetings gave us a great opportunity to discuss these questions with our members. NIPCO's involvement was critical to this effort, as they went above and beyond to engage with our members at both meetings to help to expand their knowledge and understanding of this technology."

The Mach-E was also displayed at annual meetings and customer appreciation events for Harrison County REC and North West REC.

In September, NIPCO's EV underwent a dramatic change in appearance, now sporting NIPCO branding and graphic elements that visually complement the EV's innovative technology and promote cooperative reliability. NIPCO looks forward to showcasing the technology at future member events.


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