NIPCO’s annual Joint Legislative Meeting provides an outstanding opportunity to educate state and federal lawmakers on the cooperative industry and the issues vital to serving members in western Iowa. On December 16, cooperative staff and directors from NIPCO, Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative, North West REC, WIPCO, and Woodbury County REC met with national and state legislators and their staff to discuss issues and priorities facing the rural electric cooperative industry on a national and regional scale.
Legislators who were present included Iowa Senator Kevin Alons (Senate District 7) and Representatives J.D. Scholten (House District 1), Robert Henderson (House District 2), Tom Jeneary (House District 3), and Jacob Bossman (House District 14), who also serves as Regional Director for Senator Chuck Grassley. Other Iowa Federal lawmakers were represented by the participation of their Regional Directors, Kolby DeWitt for Senator Joni Ernst and Wesley Fopma on behalf of Congressman Randy Feenstra.
In January, nearly 170 senior staff and directors from Iowa electric cooperatives, including NIPCO and its member distribution cooperatives, attended the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives’ annual reception at the start of the 91st General Assembly of the Iowa Legislature.
At each of these events, co-op advocates can discuss concerns and priorities face-to-face with state legislators, impacting the affordability and reliability of electricity for the members and communities we serve.
The top legislative priority for Iowa’s electric cooperatives in this session is protecting the state’s defined electric service territories. In Iowa, location determines which electric utility will serve homes, farms, or businesses. For almost 50 years, these defined electric service areas have provided certainty to electric cooperatives as they work to maintain affordable rates, foster a resilient electric grid, and invest in economic development throughout rural Iowa. Iowa’s electric cooperatives strongly oppose any efforts to change or amend the service territory law. Learn more about this issue at www.ProtectRuralIowa.com .
In the coming months, Iowa’s 91st General Assembly will address many issues, including energy-related matters that are central to Iowa’s rural economy. NIPCO and Iowa’s electric cooperatives will continue to advocate for a balanced approach in addressing energy issues as we work together to power lives and empower communities.