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NIPCO Recognizes 2022 Service Anniversaries

Northwest Iowa Power Cooperative

In November, NIPCO recognized eight employees who celebrated milestone service anniversaries within the NIPCO organization in 2022.

Employee anniversaries include:

  • Kyan Ludwig, IT Administrator (5 years)

  • Bryan Myers, Control Operator (5 years)

  • Steve Spieler, Chief Information Officer (5 years)

  • BJ Hetzel, Journeyman Lineman/NIPCO North Crew Foreman (10 years)

  • Mark Scheitler, Senior Telecommunications Technician (15 years)

  • Mark Nelson, Power Dispatching Manager (20 years)

  • Jim Marco, General Projects Coordinator (20 years)

  • Scott Timperley, Senior SCADA Technician, ret. (35 years and retired in December 2022)

Group photo of the 2022 service anniversary recipients.
From left to right: Steve Spieler, BJ Hetzel, Kyan Ludwig, Jim Marco, Marc Scheitler, Scott Timperley. Not pictured are Mark Nelson and Bryan Myers.

NIPCO employees are passionate about their commitment to NIPCO's "Members FIRST" promise and contribute in many ways to NIPCO's mission to provide wholesale energy supply, communications, and related services for the benefit of the member cooperatives and the communities of western Iowa in a safe, reliable, competitive, and environmentally responsible manner.

Congratulations, and thanks to all!


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