NIPCO, along with Iowa G&T (generation and transmission) cooperatives CIPCO, Corn Belt Power and L&O Power Cooperative, have partnered again in 2023 to fund the Touchstone Energy® Cooperatives of Iowa sponsorship of the Bruce L. Rastetter 4-H Exhibits Building at the Iowa State Fair. Other G&T funding partners include Northeast Power Cooperative and Dairyland Power Cooperative, who also have Touchstone Energy co-ops serving members in Iowa. For decades, this annual partnership of the 4-H Exhibits Building has provided a branded venue that is worked throughout the fair by staff and Directors of Iowa's Touchstone Energy electric cooperatives and representatives from the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives. Iowa's G&Ts proudly promote Touchstone Energy as the nationwide network of locally owned co-ops that provides resources and leverages partnerships to help member-consumers use energy wisely.
If you're planning a visit to the Iowa State Fair from August 10-20, stop by and visit with booth representatives in the air-conditioned 4-H Exhibits Building on the southwest corner of the fairgrounds.
Electric co-op staff from across the state will hand out plastic hard hats and suckers for the kids while supplies last. Kids can also try on some lineworker safety gear and take fun photos in our co-op safety selfie station.
The sponsorship provides a valuable opportunity for Iowa co-ops to connect with our cooperative members at the Iowa State Fair. The sponsorship also places the Touchstone Energy logo on the backs of the 4-H t-shirts the youth wear throughout the fair. Stop by our booth and say hello!