NIPCO and Its Role in a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO)
In October of 2015, NIPCO joined Southwest Power Pool (SPP) a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), as a Transmission Owner (TO).
Entry into an RTO ensures reliable supplies of power, adequate transmission infrastructure, and access to a competitive wholesale electricity marketplace. Joining an RTO means NIPCO and other members of the system will have the benefit of generation and transmission assets that are integrated into the entire system, as well as gaining access to the power supply market when system members require additional power or have surplus power to sell. The ability to buy or sell power within the RTO ensures a stabilization of rates that are shared among all system members.
SPP oversees the bulk electric grid and wholesale power market in the central United States on behalf of a diverse group of utilities, including NIPCO, in 14 states. This grid system spans a 575,000-square-mile region and boasts more than 60,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines.
More than 18 million people are served by TOs, such as NIPCO, within SPP's footprint.

The Power of Relationships: Southwest Power Pool
SPP is about more than power. We’re about the power of relationships. The SPP Mission: Helping our members work together to keep the lights on, today and in the future.